"An intriguing science-fiction read with plenty of action, suspense, and assumptions that get turned on their heads. Run, don't walk, to add this one to your TBR list."

Read the full review at Out of this World Reviews


The Black can be a lonely place for those of us who work and live there in the long roads. Travelling huge distances between the different colonies and outposts. Trade has to happen, cargo needs to be transported. We need to be here.

In many ways, the biggest challenge to a merchant travelling the lanes is an internal struggle, to keep the void at a distance and to hold on to that essence of identity amongst the vastness of it all. But every once in a while, the void will challenge you in new ways. Ways you wouldn’t believe…

Xenogene: Teaser

In the run up to the release of Xenogene, I thought I'd sneak out the blurb to the book, to tease a little of what is to come. To round off the Sol Protocol trilogy, Ellie steps up and takes centre stage.

Xenogene: Prologue

It’s close. With the release of Xenogene later this summer, here is a little glimpse of the chaos and excitement to come. The prologue to Xenogene. Survival at all costs.

Xenogene Cover Teaser

With the turn of a new decade, I've been busy working away at the next in the Sol Protocol saga. With the book almost complete and now deep into the edit, there comes a part of the process I always enjoy. The fun elements of cover design. Another great piece of work by the brilliant Sparth, to set the tone and visual style.

I hope you enjoy this sneak peak at the cover work for, Xenogene. Due for release 2020.


Hatsu Takahashi had been an amateur astronomer since her father bought her a simple telescope for her eleventh birthday. Since that day, she had been captivated by the beauty and vast expanse of the universe that was her home. Planning observations and working to capture images to increase her knowledge of the stars and constellations had become a driving passion. Every week she would go to the parks around Fuji, away from the light and noise of her city and explore the heavens.

With bicycle laid on the ground, backpack open and kit everywhere, she worked to set up the tripod supporting a far more advanced telescope than that of her childhood. There was urgency in her actions and concern on her face.

Tonight the sky had become alarming and dangerous. Tonight, life would change forever.

It was a wonderful surprise and honour to be nominated for the Book Viral 2018 Millennium Book Award this year, alongside some very exciting competition. The winner will be announced on 14th December 2018. I have a few new titles to add to my reading list.

See the shortlisted authors at 2018 BookViral Millennium Book Award

A New Man at the Bureau

Very excited to announce a cool collaboration between myself and Stephen Sampson. I've been rolling this idea around for a while and finally decided to create a short story as a concept piece, Stephen provided the brilliant character cover art. The Green Vale Affair is espionage in the darkness of space, behind the closed doors of power and corruption. As a mounting threat looms from the deepest reaches of the void, humanity needs to react.

If you like your spies and you like your space, I hope you enjoy The Green Vale Affair.


Jagen Robertsson part III

He had changed. He could feel the world about him becoming unfiltered, somehow louder. He would take to his room for days at a time, speaking to no one, closing the world out with shutters and darkness. But his mind wouldn’t rest and he would perpetually relive experiences meshed with improved data from new sources, his brain correlating and building ever more detailed pictures of the world. It was overwhelming.

He needed to resolve matters before he went insane. He needed to get back to the monolith on Fastvatn.

The only trouble was, there were those who didn’t want him to return. Three kidnap teams had been foiled already, he knew there would be further attempts. He had become the most valuable commodity on the planet – the key to unlock all their futures.

Adventures across the worlds of the Anomaly are beginning. The investigative reporter, Jegan Robertsson, is completing his research on the phenomenon of geoshock, when his life is redirected by startling events.

The Anomaly project: a collaboration between Nathan M Hurst, Amir Zand and Lucas Thorn. Stories exploring the futures of humanity as empires rise and fall across the epochs of time.
